For Italprogetti S.R.L. the quality is the imperative of any productive activity and its main objective is to ensure the conformity of products and the satisfaction of the customer.
Our guarantee of quality is proof of a continuous activity in our work, during all the manufacturing cycle or the offered service, from the choice of our suppliers to the feedback of our cutomers. The quality control of our products are made with instruments with high precision:
Static controls
Controls in line
Stress test
ItalProgetti S.r.l.
Registered office: Via Pescara nr. 37-39-41
Head and Administrative office: Via Saletti, 154/156
66041 - Atessa - CH
Tel.: (+39) 0872 889216 Fax: (+39) 0872 888751 - C.F. e P.IVA 01623740683 -
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